Watchung School Board Sets Strategic Direction for District

In a recent assembly, the Watchung School Board dedicated a part of their meeting to the development of a strategic plan and aligning it with district goals, including an emphasis on academic achievement and financial stability. The board also decided to use the New Jersey School Boards Association (NJSBA) format for the superintendent’s evaluation the following year. Additionally, discussion included the importance of community involvement in strategic planning and the need to establish a sustainable budget to support curricular and program initiatives.

The meeting opened with a presentation of the Board of Education self-assessment, which identified the major challenges of budgetary and financial stability, along with academic concerns such as curriculum, instructional programs, and professional development. This led to discussions on the importance of the board’s role in setting goals that support the district’s strategic objectives and the need for these goals to be SMART—specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-sensitive. Board members deliberated on the fairness of setting percentage-based targets for academic achievement and the relevance of standardized test scores, considering the impact of budget cuts on programs and staffing in previous years.

One focus was the alignment of financial resources with student achievement goals. The board called upon the superintendent and administrative team to provide updates on the previous year’s goals and input on potential focus areas for the upcoming academic year. Emphasis was placed on the necessity of research, piloting, and professional development to effectively implement identified curricular changes. There was also discussion on the role of the board in developing action plans for district goals, with the administration responsible for their execution.

The importance of mitigating opportunity gaps for students was underscored, with a push toward emphasizing 21st-century skills in the curriculum. Moreover, the meeting addressed the concern of student absenteeism and the development of strategies to lower absence rates, potentially including the renewal of the long-range facilities plan.

The topic of facilities also garnered attention as there was a suggestion to conduct a new survey to evaluate the necessary work, which could be integrated into the Strategic Plan. Board members expressed the need to foster a positive working environment and support for the district’s strategic objectives. Additionally, the board considered including professional development for themselves, particularly in understanding the budget, as part of their goals.

The strategic planning discussion was comprehensive, considering the involvement of various stakeholders in the process. The board debated not only the number of goals they should have but also the inclusion of professional development as part of these goals. The necessity of action plans for each goal and the significance of community participation in the process were also key discussion points. The role of hiring a facilitator for the strategic planning process and their responsibilities in the development of the plan were contemplated.

The evaluation of the superintendent was another critical agenda item, with the board members ultimately voting to adopt the NJSBA format for the superintendent’s evaluation next year. It was decided that this standardized approach would be beneficial for the process.

Later in the meeting, the board reminded the public of the rules for public comments, clarifying that this portion should not exceed 30 minutes and each participant is limited to three minutes. It was also emphasized that this was not a Q&A session and the public should be aware of legal responsibilities and potential liabilities for their comments.

The board then moved into executive session for the discussion of specific personnel matters. Upon reconvening, the board discussed the Strategic Plan and the steps required to ensure its implementation in September. There was a debate regarding the budget, with concerns about potential high costs and the need for clear guidelines on what services were required. The Operations Committee was suggested to review proposals from different companies. Discussions included the process of advertising for bids and the need for clear documentation on the services offered by potential firms. The board voted to approve the authorization to advertise for an RFP.

The meeting concluded without public comments as no community members were present, leading to a motion to adjourn being made and approved.

Note: This meeting summary was generated by AI, which can occasionally misspell names, misattribute actions, and state inaccuracies. This summary is intended to be a starting point and you should review the meeting record linked above before acting on anything you read. If we got something wrong, let us know. We’re working every day to improve our process in pursuit of universal local government transparency.
Dr. Julie Glazer
School Board Officials:
Jennifer Agugliaro, Danielle Amedeo, Mohamad Freij, Manuel Gonzalez, Dorie Harvey, Anthony Ingrassia, Phyllis Juette, Fatima Santos

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