YMCA Introduces New Before and After School Program in Marlboro, Board Evaluates RFP Process

In a recent Marlboro School Board meeting, the YMCA of Greater Monmouth County presented a plan to offer a new before and after school program for the upcoming school year, with 145 students already enrolled. The meeting also included discussion on the Request for Proposal (RFP) process for selecting aftercare providers, addressing concerns about transparency and evaluation criteria.

The meeting began with a presentation by Stacy Lella, Vice President of Child Achievement Branch for the YMCA of Greater Monmouth County, who outlined the YMCA’s plans to provide a before and after school program. Lisa Johnson, the Branch Business Manager, will handle registrations and parental inquiries. Lella announced that registration, which is conducted online, had already begun, with 145 students enrolled across the district’s six elementary schools. She stressed the importance of timely registration, mentioning a non-refundable fee of $55 per student, which includes a youth membership to any YMCA branch in Monmouth County.

Lella detailed the registration process, explaining that parents must select Marlboro from a list of districts and choose their child’s school. Various options for participation include before care, after care, or both, with a drop-in rate of $20 per session. However, parents must first register and provide necessary information about each child, including medical concerns and authorized pick-up individuals. The system allows flexibility, enabling parents to adjust their registrations monthly as family circumstances change.

The program’s staffing situation was also discussed, with nine staff members already hired, eight of whom are returning employees from previous years. Additional job fairs are planned to recruit more staff to meet the program’s demands. The YMCA assured the board that there would be adequate staffing at each site, with at least two staff members present alongside a security monitor to enhance safety during sign-in and sign-out processes.

A board member raised inquiries about special education provisions within the program, specifically regarding the availability of paraprofessionals for students requiring additional support. Lella confirmed that the YMCA is prepared to address these needs, emphasizing the importance of having detailed health and medical information for each child. This ensures that necessary support is in place for children with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), special needs, or allergies.

In a related discussion, it was emphasized that understanding each child’s unique situation is important for their success in the program. The YMCA plans to conduct surveys with parents to gather information on children’s preferences, such as interests in sports or arts and crafts, to tailor the program accordingly. Behavior Specialists will also be involved in ensuring the necessary support is in place.

The meeting then transitioned to public comments, where Mr. Cohen raised concerns about the RFP process used for selecting aftercare providers. He questioned the transparency and clarity of the evaluation criteria, specifically asking if measurable criteria were used and how the price was assessed. The board members collectively responded, explaining that while the price was a consideration, it was not the sole factor. The evaluation included multiple aspects such as safety measures and program quality.

Mr. Cohen pressed for more details on the weighted criteria used in the evaluation process and who initially evaluated the RFP. A board member clarified that evaluations were conducted before sharing the results with the board, and that they collectively discussed the final selection.

Following the public comments, the board arranged for a brief recess, allowing families to engage with YMCA representatives in a more private setting.

Note: This meeting summary was generated by AI, which can occasionally misspell names, misattribute actions, and state inaccuracies. This summary is intended to be a starting point and you should review the meeting record linked above before acting on anything you read. If we got something wrong, let us know. We’re working every day to improve our process in pursuit of universal local government transparency.
Michael Ballone
School Board Officials:
Valentina Mendez, Michael Lilonsky, Danielle Bellomo, Aditi Gandhi, Chad Hyett, Ashlee McCormack, Susanne Miskiewicz, Aldo Patruno, Annette Siewert

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