- MA
- Hampden County
- 12/9/24
- 12/10/2024
- 44 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: In a recent Blandford Select Board meeting, members discussed the town’s aging generator and its maintenance needs, alongside financial planning challenges. The session covered various administrative matters, including upcoming town meetings, budgeting for fiscal year 2026, and the relocation of a longstanding church sign.
- MA
- Hampden County
- 12/2/24
- 12/03/2024
- 28 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: During the recent Blandford Select Board meeting, attention was focused on addressing electrical work in the salt shed, staffing in the highway department, and a library planning grant. With a $5,889 quote from Zenetti Electric for essential repairs in the salt shed, including non-functional lighting and absent electrical outlets, the board deliberated funding this project through the winter and snow budget. The members discussed the feasibility of using a traditional light switch over motion-activated lights due to concerns about the latter’s reliability in the salt shed environment. The decision to move forward with the quote was contingent upon further assessment of the lighting control options.
- MA
- Hampden County
- 11/18/24
- 30.0 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: The Blandford Select Board meeting addressed several issues, including a financial deficit in the town’s grant account, challenges with infrastructure projects, and ongoing concerns about maintenance and management of town properties. The meeting also saw the approval of liquor licenses and plowing services, amidst discussions on staffing and budgetary constraints.
- MA
- Hampden County
- 10/28/24
- 10/29/2024
- 71 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: In the latest Blandford Select Board meeting, members addressed pressing public safety concerns, debated infrastructure repairs, and scrutinized financial management practices. Key discussions included health hazards at local properties, potential damage from logging activities, and the need for improved financial reporting processes.
- MA
- Hampden County
- 10/21/24
- 10/22/2024
- 57 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: The Blandford Select Board meeting addressed financial challenges, including budget shortfalls for ongoing engineering projects and necessary maintenance tasks on town properties. Key topics included a $100,000 grant for a bridge project on Beach Hill with unbudgeted expenses and the need for a structured maintenance plan for town parks and properties.