- MA
- Essex County
- 4/3/24
- 04/04/2024
- 48 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: In a recent meeting, the Newbury Planning Board focused on a series of issues, most notably setting a public hearing date for proposed revisions to chapter 117, which pertains to subdivision of land and site plan review submission requirements and procedures. The revisions are aimed at ensuring compliance with the town’s MS4 general permit by amending regulations and bylaws to include considerations of water quality impacts and low impact development strategies during preapplication conferences. Additionally, the board discussed the incorporation of a public comment segment into the Planning Board agenda, reported on various liaison updates, and addressed property applications and stormwater issues.
- MA
- Essex County
- 4/2/24
- 04/05/2024
- 27 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: The Newbury Conservation Commission recently convened to deliberate on several development projects, with a focus on environmental impact assessments and storm water management standards. The most discussions centred on a proposal for the construction of a two-family dwelling, which prompted the commission to delve into matters such as the clearing plan, accuracy of Vernal pool designations, and potential additional environmental conditions. The meeting also addressed requests for continuances on various projects and scheduled site visits to better assess the proposed developments.
- MA
- Essex County
- 4/2/24
- 04/05/2024
- 101 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: The Newbury Finance Committee recently convened to deliberate and recommend a series of fiscal articles pertinent to the town’s budget, including allocations for operational budgets, funding for the stabilization fund and the Other Post Employment Benefits liability, and investments in public access media infrastructure. The committee, which ensures the town’s fiscal stability, unanimously backed significant appropriations and engaged in debates concerning the town’s cable TV infrastructure and the formation of a media committee.
- MA
- Essex County
- 3/26/24
- 03/27/2024
- 31 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: The Newbury Select Board convened to address several matters, including a change in liquor license classification for the Oldtown Country Club and the potential taxation of digital streaming services. The board approved the country club’s request to update its license from wine and malt beverages to include cordials and liquors. Additionally, the meeting delved into the state’s pending legislation on taxing streaming services such as Netflix and Hulu, aiming to direct these new revenues to support public, educational, and government (PEG) programming provided by Cable Systems.
- MA
- Essex County
- 3/20/24
- 03/22/2024
- 81 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: In a recent Newbury Planning Board meeting, the most pressing topic was the multifaceted discussion surrounding the proposed MBTA communities multifamily overlay district aimed at allowing multifamily housing as of right in certain areas of the town. The overlay district, a response to the MBTA communities act, triggered a detailed public hearing where community members voiced their opinions, raising both support and concerns regarding the potential impact on the town’s character and development.