Sayreville Zoning Board Contemplates Mixed-Use Property Development

In a recent Sayreville Borough Zoning Board meeting, the most pressing topic was the proposed development of a property on Bordentown Avenue. The applicant, Lambido LLC, sought approval to convert a commercial parking area into a garage structure within a residential zone, which also falls under the Light Industrial Business Science (LI-BS) overlay zone. The proposed use of the property as a storage facility for CO2 canisters and vehicles for a beverage distribution company necessitated variance relief due to the blending of residential and business uses.

The applicant presented a plan that included an 8-door garage, additional parking spaces, and enhancements to the property’s lighting and landscaping to mitigate potential impacts on the neighboring residential area. The civil engineer, Mr. Marinelli, elaborated on the proposed stormwater management plan and the intended use of the property, including the hours of operation and the types of gases to be stored. The traffic impact was also a point of discussion, as well as the request for a lighting plan waiver due to light spillage concerns. The LED fixtures proposed were to be dark sky compliant, but the board was particularly attentive to the potential for light to spill over into residential areas.

Board members engaged in detailed questioning about the proposal, delving into specifics such as the setback to the rear property line, the height of the retaining wall, and the transportation and storage of the CO2 tanks. There were concerns about the potential subleasing of space within the garage and the overall impact of the proposed use on the neighboring properties. The historical use of the property as a trucking facility was also reviewed, with the applicant aiming to enclose some of the truck parking in a shed while maintaining the residential use at the front of the property.

The proposed development project also included requests for variance relief for existing non-conformances, including lot coverage, driveway width, and residential buffer. The design waivers sought pertained to loading berth requirements, light levels at the property line, and curbing and sidewalk along Bordentown Avenue. The applicant clarified the dual nature of the property’s intended use, with a commercial entity in the back and residential use in the front.

During the meeting, the board discussed the removal of a freestanding sign initially proposed due to the familiarity of drivers with the site. The applicant agreed to consider fencing or additional landscaping to delineate the residential yard from the business parking and operations area. Furthermore, no general automotive servicing was to be carried out on the property, but specialized truck equipment maintenance might be conducted.

A licensed professional planner provided testimony on the site’s suitability for the proposed uses, referencing the municipal master plan’s goals and its alignment with zoning regulations and the community’s development objectives. The planner discussed the need for variances and the historical coexistence of residential and commercial uses on the site, emphasizing the compatibility of the proposed development.

The meeting also included a discussion on a separate application for a proposed new canopy over the property at a gasoline station and repair garage. The canopy was deemed necessary due to inclement weather, and the applicant confirmed its height would accommodate tractor trailers, providing an additional three inches of clearance. The board inquired about the impact of the canopy’s height on the trucks and the number of employees at the car repair facility.

The engineer and planner, Mark Liber, presented on the gas station proposal, which included the installation of a canopy over the gas island, a trash enclosure, restriping of the parking lot, and landscaping. Liber outlined several variances and nonconformities, such as lot size, minimum lot width, and parking requirements. A debate ensued regarding the proposed signage on the canopy, with considerations about its size, location, and purpose. The meeting addressed lighting levels under the canopy and the need for adherence to industry standards.

The board discussed lighting levels under gas station canopies, with concerns about the brightness possibly deceiving people into believing the station is open when it is not. They reviewed the history and proposed changes to the site, including the location of handicap spots and variances related to the size of the canopy sign. The applicant clarified that the property would not be used for selling cars but would sell items like batteries and snacks.

Note: This meeting summary was generated by AI, which can occasionally misspell names, misattribute actions, and state inaccuracies. This summary is intended to be a starting point and you should review the meeting record linked above before acting on anything you read. If we got something wrong, let us know. We’re working every day to improve our process in pursuit of universal local government transparency.
Kennedy O’Brien
Zoning Board Officials:
Thomas Kuczynski, Anthony Esposito, Ronald Green, Phil Emma, Dominick Castlegrant, Joanne Gottstine, Anthony Bella (Alt. #1), Joanne Kemble (Secretary to the Zoning Board of Adjustment)

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