Zumbrota City Council Approves Fee Increases Amid Debate and Addresses Trestle Bridge Funding

During the recent meeting, the Zumbrota City Council approved an updated fee schedule featuring increased stormwater charges, amid debate over the financial strategy. Additionally, the council outlined plans for the Trestle Bridge replacement, assuming fiscal responsibility for the $2 million project. The meeting also addressed issues related to public nuisances, fundraising efforts for a local pool, and other municipal concerns.

The most contentious topic of the evening centered on the approval of Ordinance 20251, which included the 2025 fee schedule. The council discussed various adjustments, notably a stormwater fee increase from $3 to $6. One council member questioned the significant rise in charges and its implications for residents, prompting a discussion on the broader strategy of using fees versus property taxes to fund city services. Legal counsel explained that using fees allows for greater transparency in disclosing service costs, as opposed to embedding them within general taxes. The city’s staff had conducted a study indicating the necessity of increased fees to fund essential stormwater projects. The council considered the possibility of integrating these costs into the tax levy but acknowledged that doing so would require extensive analysis.

With the ordinance passed, attention shifted to the Trestle Bridge replacement project. The council processed paperwork for a Transportation Alternatives (TA) grant, anticipating funding in 2029. However, they emphasized that repairs were needed sooner to ensure safety. The resolution established that Zumbrota, with a population under 5,000, requires a county sponsor for the grant. The county agreed to this role, leaving Zumbrota responsible for the financial burden of the bridge replacement, estimated at $2 million.

The council discussed the challenges posed by the cost, noting that engineering fees, typically 15-20% of the total project cost, are excluded from grant funding. The city’s share of expenses is projected at $670,000. The council recognized the need for accurate cost estimates, which will not be finalized until design work is completed, expected to take a year after the grant is awarded. Concerns were raised about the urgency of addressing the bridge’s condition, with members discussing potential interim repairs to avoid prolonged closure.

In other matters, the council addressed a longstanding public nuisance issue involving a property owned by Miss Hanenberger. The Chief of Police reported ongoing challenges with accumulating trash at the site, despite previous attempts to resolve the situation. Miss Hanenberger had expressed her willingness for the city to manage the clean-up at her expense, leading to administrative fines and a state citation for court proceedings. The council agreed on the necessity of action to alleviate issues impacting neighbors, who have endured the situation for nearly a decade.

The meeting also covered repairs to the Bitter Creek storm management pond, with the council approving a cost share of $3,276.85 for the project. The significance of the pond in flood mitigation was highlighted, with a council member praising its effectiveness. The council unanimously approved the cost-sharing request.

Additionally, the council discussed the sale of crosswalk signs and an old broom, opting to auction the items to maximize returns. The discussion concluded with a unanimous vote to approve the sales.

Updates were provided on ongoing fundraising efforts for a local pool project, with approximately $400,000 raised to date. The city administrator emphasized the need to secure 80% of the $4 million total funding before construction can commence, including $3 million in pending bonding money. Plans for a pool committee meeting were mentioned to strategize further fundraising efforts.

Further reports included the arrival of a new squad car for the police department and updates from the Z ambulance service, which received a one-time fund of $165,200 from the state. The fire department also received additional funding.

Note: This meeting summary was generated by AI, which can occasionally misspell names, misattribute actions, and state inaccuracies. This summary is intended to be a starting point and you should review the meeting record linked above before acting on anything you read. If we got something wrong, let us know. We’re working every day to improve our process in pursuit of universal local government transparency.
Todd Hammel
City Council Officials:
Bob Prigge, Sara Durhman, Joan Bucher, Kevin Amundson

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