- NJ
- Bergen County
- 9/20/23
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: The recent Borough of Wood-Ridge Council meeting, presided over by Mayor Paulo Sarlo, was marked by significant developments, notably the ceremonial presentation of a $12,500,000 state budget grant for the Doyle School Expansion by NJ State Legislators. The vision for the Highland Avenue Learning Annex was outlined, emphasizing its potential as an expanded school and hub for various public services. The meeting also saw the unanimous approval of Bond Ordinance 2023-9, authorizing $1,700,000 for public improvements including a new fire engine, and the introduction of ordinances 2023-10 and 2023-11, addressing property and parking issues on Willow Street.
- NJ
- Bergen County
- 8/23/23
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: In a meeting saturated with fiscal maneuvering and long-term planning, the Wood-Ridge Borough Council, led by Mayor Paulo Sarlo, introduced a $1.7 million bond ordinance aimed at funding various public improvements including the acquisition of a new fire engine. Coupled with this, Administrator Eilert announced a tax rate decrease for the second year running. The August 23 meeting provided glimpses of the Council’s multi-year strategic outlook for capital expenditures and showcased efforts to optimize Borough operations based on annual audit recommendations.
- NJ
- Bergen County
- 7/26/23
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: In a recent meeting, the Wood-Ridge Borough Council, led by Council President Dominick Azzolini, authorized a significant public improvement initiative, amassing $1,400,000 in funds. This move will provide the borough with new machinery, equipment, and vehicles, ushering in a new era of infrastructure development.
- NJ
- Bergen County
- 6/21/23
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: In a recent meeting of the Wood Ridge Borough Council, significant strides were made towards the town’s redevelopment and infrastructure improvement. Council President Azzolini presided over the meeting, which saw unanimous approval for ordinances aimed at ameliorating community facilities and enhancing road safety.
- NJ
- Bergen County
- 5/17/23
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: In an eventful Wood-Ridge Borough Council meeting led by Mayor Sarlo, critical strides were taken towards sustainable development and citywide renewal. The adoption of Ordinances 2023-5 and 2023-6, which centered on creating public electric vehicle charging stations and amending the 2019 Wesmont Station Redevelopment Plan respectively, marked significant decisions for the council.