Hampden Planning Board Rejects Zoning Change Amidst Community Concerns

The Hampden Planning Board meeting on September 25, 2024, focused primarily on a proposed zoning change for several parcels owned by the Farm at Great Horse LLC and a revised solar project design. The board ultimately rejected the zoning change, citing community concerns and procedural complexities. Additionally, discussions revolved around an updated solar project design and its compliance with local bylaws.

The most pressing topic of the meeting was the formal public hearing regarding a request for a zoning map amendment from residential to golf recreational for several parcels owned by the Farm at Great Horse LLC. The proposed change aimed to facilitate the relocation of a golf course maintenance shed currently situated on Wilham Road. The attorney representing the applicants emphasized that the request was intended to align the maintenance facility with the existing agricultural use of the property. However, the current residential zoning would not permit the accessory use of a maintenance shed for the golf course, necessitating the zoning change to the more restrictive golf recreational district.

The public comment portion of the hearing was dominated by residents expressing concerns about the scope and implications of the proposed zoning change. Laura White inquired whether the zone change applied to the entire property or just the area needed for the new maintenance facility. Another resident sought clarification on the definition of “golf recreational,” which was explained as intended for commercial golf courses and associated accessory uses.

One resident, identified as Jack, voiced skepticism about changing the zoning of 292 acres solely for the purpose of relocating a shed. He emphasized the lack of comprehensive information regarding the intended uses for the entire area. The board chair attempted to clarify that the meeting’s focus was strictly limited to the rezoning request and that specifics such as the placement and size of the maintenance shed would be addressed later, after the zoning change, when the applicant would submit plans for further review.

A resident described the noise and traffic resulting from a proposed operation, referencing personal experiences of distress and calling the operators “bad actors.” The commenter specifically mentioned the noise from garbage trucks and diesel vehicles, questioning the appropriateness of converting a historically agricultural property into a high-traffic area.

Another speaker advocated for a smaller rezoning of the parcels to designate an area for maintenance rather than broader changes, highlighting issues faced by residents living near the proposed sites. This individual described “massive piles of soil” contributing to flies and an unattractive view, expressing reluctance to have a maintenance building as a view from their home. The sentiment was echoed by others, who questioned the urgency behind requesting a zoning change for such a large area without a clear plan for its use.

Board members engaged in a debate about the implications of their actions, with some advocating for further community input and discussion before making a recommendation. Others contended that the process should move forward to allow for a broader public forum at the upcoming town meeting. It was noted that the recommendation made by the planning board would not constitute approval but merely advance the discussion to the town meeting.

In a procedural move, the board ultimately recorded “three no action” votes.

Another major topic of the meeting was a discussion led by Rory Walker regarding a revised system design for a solar project initiated in 2021. The project had undergone various stages, including an ANR submission endorsed in September 2022, and a formal notice of intent submitted to the Conservation Commission, which was denied in July 2024. Following that denial, Walker requested to revoke the application without prejudice and presented a revised design that saw a significant reduction in size from a proposed 4.92 megawatt system to 2.66 megawatts. The updated design also reduced the area of disturbance from 21 acres to 12 acres and the tree clearing from 12 acres to 3 acres.

Board members expressed interest in the changes, particularly the removal of an amount of access road and the commitment to wildlife access in the new design. However, concerns were raised regarding battery storage, with a board member expressing unease about the lack of a bylaw governing battery storage at present. Despite the reduction in system size, the need for careful consideration of battery storage was highlighted as a factor.

Note: This meeting summary was generated by AI, which can occasionally misspell names, misattribute actions, and state inaccuracies. This summary is intended to be a starting point and you should review the meeting record linked above before acting on anything you read. If we got something wrong, let us know. We’re working every day to improve our process in pursuit of universal local government transparency.
Town Administrator:
Robert Markel
Planning Board Officials:
Madison Pixley, Heather Beattie, Christina Brodeur, Patrick Coyne, David Demers, Joe Sibilia, Joanne Fiore (Planning Coordinator), John D. Flynn (BOS Liaison)

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