Livingston Zoning Board Approves Multiple Variance Requests Amidst Community Concerns

At the recent Livingston Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting, several decisions were made regarding various variance applications for residential properties, with discussions highlighting community concerns over drainage, structural modifications, and neighborhood aesthetics. The board approved several applications.

0:00A notable discussion centered around a variance request for a proposed single-family residence at Block 2704 Lot 8, 6 Sparrow Drive. The applicant sought approval for a new home exceeding the allowable habitable floor area ratio. After extensive revisions, the variance request decreased from 23.01% to 22.61%. Acknowledging the applicant’s responsiveness to feedback, the board focused on potential water drainage issues, a recurring neighborhood concern. Evelyn De Mayo, a nearby resident, voiced apprehensions about water management, despite commending the house’s redesigned fit with the neighborhood’s Colonial style. The applicant’s representative assured that any construction-related water problems would be addressed.

The board unanimously approved the Sparrow Drive application, recognizing the applicant’s efforts to align with community standards and mitigate potential water drainage issues.

20:20Another topic was the variance request for a second-floor addition on Hampton Terrace. The applicant requested a front yard setback variance due to an existing non-conforming condition, proposing a setback of 36.4 feet against the required 50 feet. The board confirmed that no additional variances for area ratio or side yard were needed, and members expressed that the addition was modest and consistent with neighborhood trends. The application was approved with unanimous support.

The meeting also addressed a variance application for Chad and Robin Doria’s property on Rock Hill Drive, involving a swimming pool and fence on a corner lot. The applicants highlighted the challenges posed by their lot’s unique shape and expressed a desire to improve their family’s quality of life. The board discussed the implications of the pool’s placement, particularly regarding privacy and neighborhood impact. The application was approved after the board acknowledged the applicants’ efforts to meet municipal guidelines and minimize neighbor disruption.

2:01:47Further discussions involved drainage concerns associated with a proposed construction project. A resident expressed anxiety over potential drainage impacts on their century-old property during rainstorms, emphasizing the importance of township regulations that prevent new constructions from exacerbating existing drainage issues. The board reassured that township regulations and engineering reviews would ensure new developments do not negatively affect neighboring properties.

2:19:50The board deliberated over another variance request concerning a new home construction on a lot identified as Block 1307, Lot 3019. The applicants, Andrew and Rebecca Freeman, sought variances for front yard setback and habitable floor area ratio due to the lot’s undersized nature. The proposed design, described as a “Charming, timeless, elegant shingle style home,” aimed to align with the neighborhood’s character while meeting the family’s needs. The board engaged in thorough discussions on the variance justifications and the design’s neighborhood compatibility. Ultimately, the board moved to approve the application, acknowledging the project’s potential positive impact on the area.

0:00In each case, the board carefully considered the presented variances, the potential impacts on the neighborhood, and the applicants’ justifications. The meeting concluded with expressions of gratitude for board members’ service, particularly acknowledging a departing member named Sherry.

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